100% of the donations we receive go towards funding impactul and sustainable projects in Mozambique. We have an excellent grants committee made up of Mozambicans and Americans who evaluate projects and communicate with applicants to determine which projects to fund. We are a small donor-funded organization and we focus on supporting impactful smaller projects that would have difficulty obtaining funding from other sources.
Once projects are selected for funding, our work does not stop there! We support our grants recipients and monitor and evaluate the projects to ensure our grants are making as positive of an impact as possible for communities in Mozambique!
Shingirirai Association – Chimoio, Manica
Female activists are learning how to sustain a profit from their small businesses to reach their life and wellness goals.
Kusimudzana Organization – Vanduzi, Manica
Women in this group participated in a sustainable agriculture training and are putting their new skills to practice in their independent garden plot.
Community Members– Limpopo, Gaza
The Telecentro de Muzingane held information technology classes for students offering two basics courses and one advanced course on using the Internet and e-mail for graduates of the basics program.
Community Members – Ile, Zambezia
Construction of the Learning Center began in October and was completed in December 2017. They are planning the next phase of the project to furnish the center with tables, chairs and shelves.
AJUDEMU Organization – Murrupula, Nampula
Ten women who were identified by the district of Murrupula participated in culinary classes from December through January 2018, during which they prepared and sold meals. The revenue generated was used to purchase additional raw materials for the second round of classes and send one student to a culinary program in Nampula.
Community Members - Milange, Zambézia
This project empower members of the community with practices to prevent malaria and diarrheal diseases, and train orphans and vulnerable youth in life skills and promote self-efficacy through hospitality, sewing and embroide
Community Members - Vilankulo, Inhambane
Increased awareness about environmental conservation and stimulated activities that decrease plastics and waste in the ocean, while also decreasing risky sexual behavior and promoting alternative youth activities and income generating opportunities through recycling/upcycling projects.
Community Members - Massingir, Gaza
Empowered women and youth through classes in farming/agriculture and literacy and changing the narrative through community discourse, to reduce premature marriage, domestic violence and high school drop-out rates of female students.
Community Members - Chimoio, Manica
The GirlsWhoCode campaign aims to demystify computer science for girls by taking them through introductory tutorials that can be completed in person, online, on a smartphone, or even unplugged.
Community Members - Muxungue, Sofala
Twenty-five farmers benefited from the Agricultural Input Kit which included technical assistance. This income generated will be paid back to the organization to fund additional farmers. Farmers were assisted and trained in the fight against crop pests and diseases.
Mozambikes - Caia, Sofala
Mozambikes provided enthusiastic female community leaders with bicycles to empower them with mobility to increase their coverage areas, in order to enhance the activities of the GMPIS (Grupo de Mulheres Promotoras de Ideias de Sofala) to promote Women’s rights and Health in Central Mozambique.
Your generous support and contributions will enable us to make a positive and sustainable impact in Mozambique!